Why Iceland?

Why Iceland?

Iceland is located in the North Atlantic Ocean between Europe and America. It is an island, approximately 103.000 km2 or similar size as England (excluding Scotland and Wales).

Four kinds of very powerful energy come together in the country. All four create a melting pot, opening possibilities for an unusual amount of creative thinking and open mind for approaching critical issues from a new angle and thus introducing Win – Win solutions.

The land of fire and ice

A mountainous country with frequent rainy weather allows for rivers that produce energy enough for all the country‘s electricity production.

Volcanic activity, most of it dormant though from time to time, delivers geothermal water to heat most houses in the county. The volcanic activity is limited to certain areas. Icelandic scientists have developed considerable knowhow and experience and with the help of state of the art latest technology equipment they are now able to monitor the areas of activity very closely.

The waves of the sea around Iceland are extremely powerful, being in the mid North Atlantic Ocean. Test equipment has been built to try and get more reliable information about the possibilities to harness this power. Is it useful for electricity production etc? We don’t know yet.

The wind is the fourth kind of energy to mention here. Iceland has plenty of it. The wind is definitely capable of producing a considerable amount of energy, particularly around mountains that help strengthening the wind power. Actual use of it for energy production is still on a test level and looks promising. Locations must be very carefully chosen however, because of visual pollution. Other than that, all those methods of producing energy are pollution free.

Due to the geographic position of Iceland, farmers find it difficult to produce the same amount of vegetables and flowers per hectare as can be done where it is slightly warmer and the summer is longer. However the clean air and water support better quality, which make up for the quantity of production to a great extent.

This combination of green energy and healthy food production has brought up a nation that understands and respects the power of nature and same love to the Earth as its human population.

Several rescue teams all around the country are always ready to risk their lives to come and save your life, whenever you may have got yourself in dangerous situations, be it on top of a glacier or in the middle of a heavy stream. No charge.

The following services are also available and vital to the question; Why Iceland.

  • Neutrality in all political conflicts between countries or in countries internally.
  • Well educated nation, where English is widely spoken
  • Good location in terms of travelling world wide
  • Excellent international communication facilities all over the country.
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